HomeBusiness:  Proper Attire for Business

In the Business World, Attire Is Important

Business attire can be as confusing as it is important. Wearing the proper business attire on the job, to an event, or at a job fair, interview, or function can really make a strong statement about you and your attitudes toward the company or position. However, it is not always easy to make the correct decision about what to wear. Although it almost always reflects negatively on you to be underdressed, being overdressed can be a problem as well. The good news is that with a little common sense and some simple guidelines, you should never have to worry about the meaning of “business attire” again.

Business Attire: Guidelines and Considerations

When thinking about business attire, the most important thing to remember is that you want to convey a respectable, professional image. When an employer or co-worker sees you, you want him or her to be thinking about your professional skills and business qualities instead of imagining you in some other more casual, social setting. It is essential that you look well groomed and neat. Make sure your clothes are in good condition and that your outfit is complete. It is best to go with solid colors and the more traditional colors of black, brown, and navy are recommended when dealing with especially conservative businesses or industries.

If you are unsure about the distinction between business dress and business casual, politely ask someone who is coordinating the event what kind of dress is appropriate. Business casual attire should still be conservative; avoid flashy clothing or attire that makes you seem ready for a night out on the town. Typically, khakis and a button down shirt are appropriate. Polo shirts are also acceptable in certain situations. Clothes should fit well, being neither too baggy nor too tight. Ultimately, it is up to your own good judgment to decide what to wear. If you are just entering the business world, take note of how others are dressed around you and you should get a better idea of how to dress in the future. Above all, remember to convey a professional image that shows you respect yourself and deserve to be respected as a business professional.

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